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Visitors 2699

Organised by the Brighton and Hove Motor Club, and the Sprint Section of the Vintage Motorcycle Club the event is currently run as a quarter mile sprint for both cars and motorcycles.

Cars and motorcycles are pictured seperately and labelled by marque, model and drivers name.

Double click on a thumbnail to see a screen size Picture, or use the slideshow button to auto scroll through all the pictures at screen size.
H 9 Stephen Loadsman AC CobraC3 77 Simon Sharp Alfa Romeo GTVH 35 Andrew Atherton Alfa Romeo GVTC11 175 James Tiller Allard J2C14 205 John Peskett Allard L TypeAlvis Silver Eagle   John Earle-MarshAlvis Silver Eagle   John Earle-MarshAlvis Speed 20   Martin SismeyH 28 Cathy Casey Audi TTAustin Mini    Steven HarrisH 19 Dean Golding Bentley GTVC14 210 Michael Haig Bentley MkVI SpecialC14 210 Michael Haig Bentley MkVI SpecialBugatti T35B    Norman GoodmanBugatti T35B    Norman GoodmanBugatti T35B    Norman GoodmanBugatti T35B    Norman GoodmanH 5 Cliff Colwell CCSC14 203 James Holland Cooper Mk VIIIC3 93 David Manser Corvette

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Motor Sports
Subcategory Detail:Drag Racing
Keywords:Madeira Drive, 2010, Brighton, Brighton National Speed Trials, Brighton and Hove Motor Club, Frosts, Sprint, sprint