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Visitors 759

Cars participating in the SBD Speed Championship, the Bert Hadley Memorial Champioship, the Richard Egger HSA Speed Championship, and the Toyo tyre Westfield Sports Car Club Speed are shown in make & driver order.

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Austin 7  Special  -  Alistair Frayling-CorkAustin 7 Special  -  Alistair Frayling-CorkAustin 7 Charles Plain-JonesAustin 7 Charles Plain-JonesAustin 7 Single Seater     Julia ConstantinousAustin 7 Single Seater     Julia ConstantinousAustin 7 Single seater   Peter PearsonAustin 7 Single seater   Terry GriffinAustin 7 Single seater   Terry GriffinAustin 7 Single seater   Terry GriffinAustin 7 Single seater   Terry GriffinAustin 7 Special   Nick AllenAustin 7 Special  -  Bernard CowleyAustin 7 Special  -  Bill AbbottAustin 7 Special  -  Thomas EmdenAustin 7 Special  -  Thomas EmdenAustin 7 Speedex 750   Rod DaintyAustin 7 Speedex 750   Rod DaintyAustin 7 Ulster   Carol WoodsAustin 7 Ulster rep   Colin Danks

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:Performance
Keywords:BARC, British Automobile Racing Club, Championship, Competition, Down, Gurston, Hill Climb, Hillclimb, Motorsport, Speed